
A database to support plant pest diagnostic activities

Tomato apical stunt viroid(TASVD0)


General information
  • Name: TASVd_2011_001 Tomato
Metadata available
General information - specimen description
References Önelge, N. (1997). Direct Nucleotide Sequencing of Citrus Exocortis Viroid (CEV). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 21, 419-422.
Sampling - Origin
Country of sampling The Netherlands
Sampling - Substrate from which the specimen / isolate / strain was isolated or collected
Scientific name of the plant or vector Solanum lycopersicum
Sampling - Host
Symptoms observed on host plant Growth reduction, chlorosis of leaves in the top of the plant
Sampling - When
Sampling/isolation date 2011
Info on Collection
General information on the collection
Collection name NPPO-NL
Contact person Annelien Roenhorst
Contact email
Collection information specific to the specimen
Number in collection PD 4127051
Isolate synonyms (history) PD 4127051

DNA Sequences
Title Locus
TASVd_2011_001 Complete genome Complete Genome view...