
A database to support plant pest diagnostic activities

Tomato brown rugose fruit virus(TOBRFV)


General information
  • Name: DSMZ PV-1300 Cyprus
Metadata available
General information - specimen description
Mode of transmission mechanical transmission
Sampling - Origin
Country of sampling Cyprus
Sampling - Substrate from which the specimen / isolate / strain was isolated or collected
Scientific name of the plant or vector tomato (transplanted)
Sampling - When
Sampling/isolation date 2020-7-13
Sampling - Who
Collector name T. Iacovides
Identification - General
Identification method Sequencing
Info on Collection
General information on the collection
Collection name Leibniz Institute DSMZ
Contact person Wulf Menzel
Contact email
Website www.dsmz.de
Collection information specific to the specimen
Number in collection PV-1300
Date of deposit in collection 2020-8-6
Type of material in collection Lyophilised plant material

DNA Sequences
Title Locus
ToBRFV-Cyprus Partial Sequence view...