
A database to support plant pest diagnostic activities

Endoconidiophora laricicola(ENDNLA)


General information
  • Name: CBS 116863
Metadata available
Sampling - Origin
Country of sampling UK: Scotland
Sampling - Substrate from which the specimen / isolate / strain was isolated or collected
Matrix/Substrate type Other
Scientific name of the plant or vector Larix decidua
Additional information on substrate isolation source: Breeding gallery of the bark beetle Ips cembrae on a larch l,
Sampling - Who
Collector name T. Kirisits, M.J. Wingfield & D.B. Redfern
Info on Collection
General information on the collection
Collection name CBS
Collection information specific to the specimen
Number in collection CBS 116863
Link to collection http://www.westerdijkinstitute.nl/collections/BioloMICS.aspx?Fields=All&ExactMatch=T&Table=CBS+strain+database&Name=CBS+116863

DNA Sequences
Title Locus
Ceratocystis laricicola CBS 116863 ITS ITS view...