Phytophthora cactorum(PHYTCC)
Data shown below are extracted from EPPO Global Database
EPPO GD contains information about geographical distribution, host plants, and more...
Important note: GD is not a primary source for taxonomy (classification and nomenclature) and should not be considered as such. The EPPO Secretariat follows different sources (literature, databases) to provide some elements of taxonomy to its users. However, it does not attempt to provide all levels of the taxonomic tree or exhaustive lists of accepted taxa.
EPPO GD contains information about geographical distribution, host plants, and more...
Important note: GD is not a primary source for taxonomy (classification and nomenclature) and should not be considered as such. The EPPO Secretariat follows different sources (literature, databases) to provide some elements of taxonomy to its users. However, it does not attempt to provide all levels of the taxonomic tree or exhaustive lists of accepted taxa.
- Preferred name: Phytophthora cactorum
- Authority: (Lebert & Cohn) J.Schröter
Name | Authority |
Phytophthora omnivora | de Bary |
Name | Language |
Fruchtfäule: Japanische Mispel | German |
Kragenfäule: Apfel | German |
Kragenfäule: Japanische Mispel | German |
Lederbeerenkrankheit: Erdbeere | German |
Lederfäule: Erdbeere | German |
Rhizomfäule: Erdbeere | German |
Stammbasisfäule: Apfel | German |
Wurzelhalsfäule: Apfel | German |
Zweigsterben: Rhododendron | German |
collar rot of apple | English |
crown rot of apple | English |
dieback of rhododendron | English |
fruit rot of loquat | English |
rhizome rot of strawberry | English |
mildiú del manzano | Spanish |
podredumbre del tronco del manzano | Spanish |
chancre du collet | French |
encre du châtaignier | French |
encre du noyer | French |
mildiou de l'abricotier | French |
mildiou des poiriers | French |
mildiou du collet du cerisier | French |
mildiou du collet du pommier | French |
mildiou du fraisier | French |
mildiou du pommier | French |
mildiou polyphage de la tomate | French |
pourridié phytophthoréen du mélilot | French |
pourriture de l'écorce du cerisier | French |
pourriture du collet du pêcher | French |
pourriture du collet du poirier | French |
pourriture molle des asperges coupées | French |