
A database to support plant pest diagnostic activities

Invasive Plants - Organisms included (174)

EPPO Code Preferred Name EPPO Categorization Nb Specimens Nb Sequences
ACALO Acacia longifolia 2 2
ACASA Acacia saligna List of Invasive Alien Plants 2 1
ACENZ Acaena novae-zelandiae 1 2
AILAL Ailanthus altissima List of Invasive Alien Plants 3 1
ALRPE Alternanthera caracasana 1 4
ALRPH Alternanthera philoxeroides A2 list, Alert list (formerly) 5 16
ALRRN Alternanthera reineckii 5 14
ALRSE Alternanthera sessilis Alert list (formerly), Observation list of Invasive Alien Plants 7 26
AMBEL Ambrosia artemisiifolia List of Invasive Alien Plants 2 4
AMELM Amelanchier lamarckii 1 2
AMESP Amelanchier x spicata List of Invasive Alien Plants 1 2
ANOVI Andropogon virginicus A2 list 1 3
ANKTE Angelica ternata 1 2
APCCA Apocynum cannabinum 1 2
ABCSE Archibaccharis serratifolia 1 2
AAUVU Arisarum vulgare 1 2
ABOME Aronia melanocarpa 1 3
ABOPR Aronia x prunifolia 1 3
ARTVU Artemisia vulgaris 1 4
ABKDO Arundo donax 1 4
1ASCG Asclepias 1 2
ASCPU Asclepias purpurascens 1 2
ASCSY Asclepias syriaca List of Invasive Alien Plants 1 2
CDTRC Austroderia richardii 1 4
AZOFI Azolla filiculoides Observation list of Invasive Alien Plants, List of Invasive Alien Plants (formerly) 2 3
BACHA Baccharis halimifolia A2 list 11 22
BACMU Baccharis multiflora 1 1
BACSF Baccharis salicifolia 1 2
BACSO Baccharis sordescens 1 2
BACSP Baccharis spicata Alert list (formerly), Observation list of Invasive Alien Plants 1 2
BEBVU Berberis vulgaris 1 3
MAHDE Berberis x decumbens 1 3
PHJVE Blutaparon vermiculare 1 4
CABAQ Cabomba aquatica 1 2
CABCA Cabomba caroliniana List of Invasive Alien Plants 8 13
CABFU Cabomba furcata 1 2
CAFPA Calla palustris 1 2
CLOMU Calopogonium mucunoides 1 2
CRIGR Cardiospermum grandiflorum A2 list 2 2
CBSED Carpobrotus edulis List of Invasive Alien Plants 1 1
CELOR Celastrus orbiculatus A2 list 1 2
PESCL Cenchrus clandestinus 1 2
CCHHY Cenchrus hybrids 2 10
PESSA Cenchrus setaceus Alert list (formerly), List of Invasive Alien Plants 7 23
PESAD Cenchrus x cupreus 5 19
CLLAS Centella asiatica 2 2
CLLUN Centella uniflora 1 2
COSPA Centrosema pascuorum 1 2
COSPU Centrosema pubescens 1 2
CESCO Ceratopteris cornuta 1 2
COMCO Commelina communis 1 2
COMDI Commelina diffusa 1 2
CDTJU Cortaderia jubata A1 list 5 20
CDTSE Cortaderia selloana List of Invasive Alien Plants 22 80
CSBHE Crassula helmsii A2 list 1 2
CYPCP Cyperus compressus 1 2
CYPES Cyperus esculentus List of Invasive Alien Plants 1 3
CYPIR Cyperus iria 1 2
CYPRO Cyperus rotundus 2 6
CYPSF Cyperus sesquiflorus 2 4
DIGNU Digitaria nuda 1 2
ECNLO Echinocystis lobata 1 2
ELDDE Egeria densa List of Invasive Alien Plants 18 29
EERNA Egeria naias 3 6
ELGAN Elaeagnus angustifolia 1 3
ELGUM Elaeagnus umbellata 1 3
ELDCA Elodea canadensis 4 6
ELDNU Elodea nuttallii List of Invasive Alien Plants 8 10
BIKBA Fallopia baldschuanica Alert list (formerly), List of Invasive Alien Plants 1 2
FRXEX Fraxinus excelsior 1 3
FRXPE Fraxinus pennsylvanica 3 9
GAIGR Gaillardia x grandiflora 1 3
GAHSH Gaultheria shallon 2 4
GUACR Gunnera × cryptica 5 15
GUAMA Gunnera manicata 1 3
GUATI Gunnera tinctoria List of Invasive Alien Plants 17 50
GYNSP Gymnocoronis spilanthoides A2 list 5 6
HKADE Hakea decurrens 37 111
HKASU Hakea drupacea 1 3
HKAGI Hakea gibbosa 2 6
HKALI Hakea lissosperma 2 6
HKASA Hakea salicifolia Alert list 9 27
HKASE Hakea sericea A2 list 45 135
HERMZ Heracleum mantegazzianum List of Invasive Alien Plants 4 10
HERSP Heracleum sphondylium 1 2
HETRE Heteranthera reniformis 5 6
HUMJA Humulus scandens A2 list 1 2
HYLLI Hydrilla verticillata Alert list (formerly), List of Invasive Alien Plants 4 3
HYDLE Hydrocotyle leucocephala 5 5
HYDMI Hydrocotyle microphylla 2 4
HYDMO Hydrocotyle moschata 1 2
HYDRA Hydrocotyle ranunculoides A2 list 14 16
HYDSI Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides 3 3
HYDTR Hydrocotyle tripartita 1 2
HYDVE Hydrocotyle verticillata 7 8
HYDVU Hydrocotyle vulgaris 6 6
IPABF Impatiens balfourii 8 28
IPABP Impatiens balfourii x parviflora 10 30
IPABI Impatiens bicolor 1 2
IPAED Impatiens edgeworthii Alert list (formerly), Observation list of Invasive Alien Plants 3 10
IPAGL Impatiens glandulifera List of Invasive Alien Plants 9 28
IPAPA Impatiens parviflora 5 16
IPASC Impatiens scabrida 1 1
POLPS Koenigia polystachya List of Invasive Alien Plants 3 9
KYLER Kyllinga erecta 1 2
LGAMA Lagarosiphon major List of Invasive Alien Plants 20 33
LGAMU Lagarosiphon muscoides 2 2
LEMMT Lemna minuta 2 4
LESCU Lespedeza cuneata A1 list 2 6
LONPI Lonicera ligustrina var. pileata 2 2
LUDUR Ludwigia grandiflora A2 list 16 30
LUDPE Ludwigia peploides A2 list 13 18
LUDKE Ludwigia x kentiana 1 3
LYUHA Lycium barbarum 1 2
LYFJA Lygodium japonicum A1 list 1 3
LSYAM Lysichiton americanus A1/A2 (formerly), List of Invasive Alien Plants 2 6
LSYCA Lysichiton camtschatcensis 1 2
1MATG Matricaria 1 2
MCGVI Microstegium vimineum A2 list, Alert list (formerly) 15 17
MUEAU Muehlenbeckia australis 1 2
MYPAL Myriophyllum alterniflorum 1 2
MYPBR Myriophyllum aquaticum List of Invasive Alien Plants 13 26
MYPHE Myriophyllum heterophyllum A2 list, Alert list (formerly) 22 43
MYPMA Myriophyllum mattogrossensis 1 2
MYPPR Myriophyllum propinquum 1 2
MYPRO Myriophyllum robustum 1 2
MYPRU Myriophyllum rubricaule Alert list 4 7
MYPSP Myriophyllum spicatum 9 20
MYPTU Myriophyllum tuberculatum 6 12
MYPVE Myriophyllum verticillatum 5 10
PAEFO Paederia foetida 2 6
PTNHY Parthenium hysterophorus A2 list 5 9
PRTIN Parthenocissus inserta 2 2
PAZTO Paulownia tomentosa Alert list 2 2
POLCH Persicaria chinensis 1 2
POLPF Persicaria perfoliata A2 list 2 4
PHSVX Phaseolus vulgaris 1 2
PHTES Phytolacca acinosa 1 3
PHTAM Phytolacca americana 1 3
PGOPA Pogonatherum paniceum 6 12
EICCR Pontederia crassipes A2 list 8 16
PRNLR Prunus laurocerasus 2 4
PRNPA Prunus padus 1 2
PUELO Pueraria montana var. lobata A2 list 9 16
QUEPA Quercus palustris 1 3
QUERU Quercus rubra 1 2
POLCU Reynoutria japonica List of Invasive Alien Plants 2 2
REYSA Reynoutria sachalinensis List of Invasive Alien Plants 2 2
REYBO Reynoutria x bohemica List of Invasive Alien Plants 1 2
RHODO Rhododendron discolor 2 2
RHOPO Rhododendron ponticum List of Invasive Alien Plants, Observation list of Invasive Alien Plants 1 3
RHUTY Rhus typhina 1 3
RIBAU Ribes aureum 2 6
RIBSA Ribes sanguineum 1 3
RORIN Rorippa indica 1 2
ROSMU Rosa multiflora 2 5
ROSRG Rosa rugosa 1 3
RUBAE Rubus hedycarpus subsp. armeniacus 1 3
SAVAU Salvinia auriculata 5 10
SAVRO Salvinia minima 5 12
SAVMO Salvinia molesta A2 list 9 16
SAVNA Salvinia natans 3 6
SAFKU Sasa kurilensis 4 5
SOISO Sorbaria sorbifolia 1 2
SPTAN Spartina anglica 2 4
SPVAB Spiraea alba 1 3
SPVDO Spiraea douglasii 1 2
SPVSA Spiraea salicifolia 1 3
SPVBI Spiraea x billardii 1 1
SPIPU Spirodela punctata 1 2
SYRVU Syringa vulgaris 1 3
CHYPA Tanacetum parthenium 1 2
SAQSE Triadica sebifera A1 list 1 3
CYKNI Vincetoxicum nigrum 1 3